Advancing Analytics Re-awarded as Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVP) — Advancing Analytics
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Advancing Analytics Re-awarded as Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVP)


We are very pleased to announce that our two directors have been re-awarded as Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals for 2019-2020.

The Microsoft MVP program recognise exceptional community leadership, it is awarded to "top notch technology experts"  who make outstanding contributions to their technological communities. We are very pleased to be awarded to contributions to the technical communities we support.

Terry McCann our Director of Artificial Intelligence has moved from an MVP in the Microsoft Data Platform to an MVP for Artificial Intelligence, in recognition of his contributions to the AI technical community. A Note from Terry:

Looking back over the last year, there have been a few events which really stood out. I was incredibly fortunate to speak at Microsoft's Future Decoded with a good friend and previous customer talking about Digital Transformation and Machine Learning. Big Data London was another fantastic event and this year's SQLBits in Manchester was one of the best SQLBits yet. This we launched the Data Science In Production Podcast, which I hope to grow over the next year. I have a load of new content to present in 2020, which I cannot wait to share with everyone.”

Simon Whiteley our Director of Engineering has been re-awarded MVP for the Microsoft Data Platform, in recognition of his contributions to the Data Platform technical communities. A note from Simon:

“The last year was a whirlwind, speaking at far-ranging events at some pretty amazing places. I've given talks at a football stadium in Belgium for DataMinds.Connect, on an IMAX screen for Intelligent Cloud Conf and swapped Data Lake structuring ideas with some of the world's most respected Microsoft experts at the PASS Summit. What makes it better is that after every single one, I've had some great conversations with attendees who have taken a particular idea and are excited to go try it. One of the most amazing things is catching those same people at the next event and hearing their successes. I'm absolutely thrilled to be renewed, it's a great honour and I'm super excited about all the events we've got coming up in 2019 & 2020!”


To continue the trend, every day this month we will have some exciting new content. More on that later.

Thanks! Here’s to another year in the best technical community in the world!