European Conference Downloads and Stats — Advancing Analytics
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Data Science & Data Engineering blogs

The End of Our European Conference Tour (Sessions, Stats and Downloads)

Today marks the end of our European conference tour. In the first 3 weeks of October we racked up the following stats:

*Too many!

*Too many!

We would like to extend a HUGE thank you to all the organisers and helpers of Minds Mastering Machines, Techorama NL, Data Holland, Dataminds Connect, Data Relay and the Spark & AI Summit. Each event was incredible. We had a blast delivering talks on Machine Learning in Production, Databricks, CosmosDB, DataOps and Deep Learning. We spoke in some amazing venues, from gigantic conference centres, to cinemas and even a working brewery!

We got to meet loads of fantastic new people and talk about how you're all using the Big Data to solve real world problems. We also had a blast catching up with our European customers and friends. If you came to one of our sessions and need support with your current project, you're looking to understand how design an Advanced Analytics architecture or you're trying to better understand how Machine Learning can enrich your existing processes, then we would love to hear from you.

We delivered two condensed versions of our training courses, Applied Azure Databricks and Machine Learning in Production. You can find out more about these courses and more below. There is also information about our other courses, Azure Analytics Architecture and Azure SQL Data Warehouse.

Today, we arrived back in the UK after attending the Spark & AI Summit in Amsterdam. It was a great event and we will have a summary blog all about the interesting content next week. We did not speak at the Spark & AI Summit. We were there to learn. People often ask how do you keep up with new and emerging technology and this is one of ways. We went to loads of great sessions which helped to reinforce our ways of working, and ensure that our designs are aligned with industry best practices.

Next stop is Seattle in November where we will be delivering a full day course on Azure Databricks for Data Warehouses. This course is crammed full of interesting ways in which you can use Databricks to build an Enterprise Data Warehouse. This course is selling out quickly, so register today to avoid disappointment. Details about that session are below.

We have one additional thank you, and that is to all the attendees, who came to our sessions! You were a great audience, thanks for all the feedback you submitted at each event.

Right now I am going to have a cuppa and a Stroopwafel

PASS Summit - Seattle, WA - Full Day Training & General sessions - Terry & Simon - 5th to the 7th November


Last but not least we are heading back to the PASS Summit in Seattle. We are delivering our Databricks training day, however this time with a focus on Data Warehousing. Databricks is the swiss-army-knife of he Azure Advanced Analytics ecosystem, it has many uses. One of those is for loading a data warehouse. In this session we will look at patterns a data warehouse developer is familiar with (Kimball, Dimensional modelling) and look at how working on a cluster changes the way you build facts and dimensions.

Simon also have a number of sessions at the Pass Summit.

Training day:

For more details on this session you can watch our video here: